Yes…fat vs fat free!

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❣️Why I choose fat vs fat free❣️


Fat isn’t the ULTIMATE enemy! 😲


HONESTLY the more important thing here is to look at your health a bit more deeply. What TYPES of fats are you consuming and confusing? Some types of fat consumed can be troublesome YES but the body also needs healthy fat!


Good Fats are GOOD (ie. like avocado) vs. bad fats like trans fats (or synthetic butters). Your body knows what to do with the “good fats” and how to break it down VS chemical filled other crap that the body can’t naturally break down.


🤔 💡Think QUALITY when you eat. Think less processed. Think more natural.


🛑 A lot of times with the “low fat-reduced fat etc” the good fat is removed and replaced by substitutes which are actually more harmful (sugar, chemical, & synthetic harmful crap!)


Also some of these “fats” are actually essential so that the body can absorb different vitamins and minerals to help keep our body healthy and top notch!


So next time you reach for the “reduced fat PB, 0% yogurt, fat free this or that’s” …think less processed…more whole food…more natural….FEED your body right!


PS. A yummy treat. Plain fage yogurt, slivered almonds, & drizzle of pure real maple syrup! 👍🏻


#foodiefriday #eatclean #eatsimple #eatwhole #eatnatural #mylife #myFBblog #justbeingme #unapologeticallyme #coachlife #h2tfitnesswithsarah #commitment #dedication #accountability #consistency

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I am 35 yrs. old -a Wife and Mother to a Beautiful Boy and my Rainbow Baby Girl. I am a dance and fitness instructor. I own a fitness studio where I offer a variety of fitness classes in the evenings. I recently have become a FULL TIME Fitness Coach after 3+ years of working as a Day Care Assistant after having my Son and leaving my Emotionally Taxing Case Management Position. Fitness is my passion! I love to work out on my own AND with others! Throughout my both of my pregnancies I continued to work out on my own and with Beachbody programs, live my dream of being a work from home mom (for most of the day), and teach at my studio (and other locations) in the evening. After the birth of my son I have worked hard to get my pre-preg. body back. Shaun T's T25 was initial program and then Tony's P90X3 BOTH which I loved the short affective times because with having a newborn baby that was EXACTLY what I needed. I know and understand the self discipline it takes to achieve your desired goals and I am still on that path and have my struggles as everyone else does! I love to offer my support to my clientele with group fitness classes I offer in my community and I feel we work as a team all together to HELP each other. I LOVE offering my support via the web too as I REACH other people that I can't physically see. IT IS AMAZINGLY rewarding and I can't imagine NOT doing what I do! Im currently on my postpartum journey once again and so GRATEFUL and BLESSED to live this healthy lifestyle, lead by example for my family, and support others on their journey too!

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